Monday, May 16, 2011

Part 2: Explanation

So you guessed right and the rumors are true!

Joey and I love Prego Sauce.....oh wait no that isn't it.

Oh yeah, we are Pregnant! We are expecting a beautiful baby to become a part of our family on November 9th, 2011. Although Joey is hoping that the baby will come on Nov. 11, 2011, which we told our doctor and she said that she will do all she can to make this happen, hehe.

I am 15 weeks pregnant which means I am in my second trimester. I was pretty lucky and didn't get too sick in the first trimester, just a little bit of morning sickness but I was able to keep it calm if I kept eating little meals/snacks throughout the day. I feel like I am showing but Joey just laughs at me.

We have already had an ultrasound and seen the squirmy little baby and heard its heart beat. It was an amazing experience and made it finally feel real. We are super excited, we will start posting pictures of my baby bump as soon as Joey agrees that I have one!

UPDATE: In the graduatation blog post I forgot to say what our majors were. Joey graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Management with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Family Consumer and Human Development with an emphasis in Family and Community Services. Joey and I are now living in Bear Lake for the summer.

1 comment:

  1. As soon as you said you had made a movie... I had this feeling it was going to be some kind of announcement. I laughed out loud when the Prego bottle came up. :) Congrats!!
