Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kinsley Shirley Stocking

It has been a long time since we have updated our blog. Life gets busy with a little boy and being pregnant and now with two little ones I don't see our updates getting any better.

Kinsley Shirley Stocking
Born May 3rd at 12:26 AM
7 Lbs 10 Oz
19 1/2 inches long

 I did want to write about Kinsley's birth though before I forget all the details (I will include lots of details so read only if you want to.)
In the middle of April I went in for my doctor's appointment and I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I stayed at these same measurements the next two appointments. On May 1st my doctor stripped my membranes and then we waited. I was 39 weeks along. On May 2nd at about 6 pm I started tracking my contractions (I hadn't really been having any before this point or it I did they were really random) they started becoming pretty consistent and stronger. At about 7:30 we decided to take Theo over to Chuck and Ginger in case we had to run to Logan in the middle of the night. At around 9 pm I decided that my contractions were getting too close together and that we should probably head to Logan. I was wanting to have a natural birth this time so I wanted to labor at "home" as long as possible so we stayed at my parent's house for an hour. At 11:00 I decided that I couldn't handle the contractions anymore so we made our way to the hospital.

I decided that I wanted an epidural because I have really bad back labor. Since it was the middle of the night the doctor and anesthesiologist were not at the hospital but on call. They called the anesthesiologist and then I went through all the medical history questions while we waited. Finally the anesthesiologist showed up and prepped me for an epidural. After receiving the epidural I moved my legs back up onto the bed and right at that moment my water broke and I felt Kinsley's head drop. I told the nurse that my water broke and that I needed to push. Since the doctor wasn't there yet you could tell that the nurses were trying to hold me off. The nurses were really great at helping me focus and breath (since I had just received the epidural it hadn't kicked in yet). I wanted to tell the nurses that Kinsley was ready to come but between breathing and focusing I couldn't. Finally one of the nurses decided she better check me and she saw that I was ready to push. She lifted up my legs and one push later Kinsley was born at 12:26 AM on May 3rd. The nurse/table caught Kinsley since they didn't have the bed prepped.  The doctor showed up right after she was born and in time to deliver the after-birth this was also about the time that the epidural decided to kick in. So the nurses say I can claim that I gave birth naturally. Joey wanted me to include that is was a beautiful warm night.

Kinsley's birth was so different from Theo's birth it was so interesting how different they were. I starting laboring on my own, was able to go natural, was able to do almost all my laboring at home and was only in the delivery room for an hour and only pushed once. With Theo my water broke but no contractions started, I was started on Pitocin since I wasn't progressing, I had an epidural and I pushed for about 30 minutes although it didn't seem that long. Theo was whisked away after he was born, I was only able to hold him for a couple of minutes. Kinsley I was able to snuggle and feed right away, I almost didn't know what to do because they had to take Theo. After we got to the recovery room they did have to put Kinsley under a lamp for a little while because she was having a hard time keeping her temperature up and my body heat wasn't helping quite enough.

I am excited to have a beautiful little girl join of family.