Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Engagement


Daily Two Wishes- Joey and I have a thing where we ask each other if we had two wishes for the day what would they be. These wishes are simple and usually have to do with something that happened that day because we get them daily.

Porch Swings- From the first day that Joey and I started dating we had porch swing talks. This consists of just talking about life or anything else on your mind. We have talked about wanting a porch swing to have these deep conversations.

Explanation of Two Wishes and Porch Swing Talks.

The Pre-Proposal:

We were in St George for Spring Break with Joshua Jones, Solomon Smith, Jared Schmidt and Eric Schmidt. We were going down to do a bunch of outdoor activities such as rock climbing, mountain biking, camping, hiking, and canyoneering. Also to visit some of my old college friends. We got down there Wednesday evening and Joey and I went to my old roommate's (Jessica Baird) play: 110 in the Shade. After the play we went to visit some of my friends and Joey was very persistent on going on a hike at Dixie Rock (Look-out over St George) because I had mentioned it many times and he had never been. Finally he was able to get me away from my friends we headed up to Dixie Rock on my brother and sister-in-law's white scooter (White Stallion)

The Proposal:

When we got to Dixie Rock there were candles and rose petals in the cracks and crevasses on the way up. Also there was romantic piano music play at the top of the rock. Joey asked if it was always like that and I was like "oh no we are going to ruin someone's romantic night." Joey says that we should atleast go peek. So we started on our way up and Joey asked me what my two wishes were for the day. I answered with two wishes and then we got to the bridge and I saw a Porch Swing. I was like, "Oh cute they have a Porch Swi...." it was at this point that I realized what was going on. Joey responded, "Of course there is Emily." I started laughing and crying. We walked over to the porch swing which has a bouquet of roses on it. Joey told me to sit down and he started to tell me his two wishes. His first wish was that we could have many Porch Swing talks throughout the rest of our lives and his second wish, He stood up, took the ring out of his pocket and got down on his knee and said, " I wish that you, Emily Ann Jacobsen, will marry me!?" I stood up and hugged him and said "Yes!" Then he pulled out his phone and played a song that I had previously mentioned in a joking manner that I wanted to be proposed to with. It was All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar from Juno. Then after that song he turned on Taylor Swift's Love Story, which we danced to. While dancing, Joey told me a few reasons why he wants to marry me: (A couple are inside jokes) 1. "Synergy hahaha...and the line to sum that up is, we should get jerseys cause we make a great team. 2. That you laugh at my dumb jokes. 3. We get to be married in the Temple Forever! 4. I love your family and because your parents gave me permission." After he finished telling me these reasons and we started to dance again, we were spotlighted by a police car. We then headed back down to the parking lot. As we got down to the parking lot and the cop saw that I had a handful of roses and asked if it was a special occasion. I responded saying that we just got engaged, the other cop was like, "You must feel really bad now" to the other cop. The first police man felt bad and said that he would just look the other way and let us go this time. (You aren't supposed to be on Dixie Rock after dark) After they told us they would let us go they asked what we had up on the rock. We told them it was a porch swing and they were in awe. They just told us to take it down as soon as we could. Since it seemed like a total movie moment I had to finish it off so as the cops got into their car I yelled, "If it makes you feel better you were the first to know."

This is Emily telling her mom.