Friday, July 30, 2010

Gloria has become a Professional and A Day of Visitors

  Almost a month ago we posted about teaching Gloria how to ride a bike because she has never learned, she has been too scared. Well since our last post both Gloria and all of us have become too busy or it has been raining outside so we haven’t been able to get her back on a bike. Two days ago we realized that it had been far too long and Joey got Gloria to take a break from her chores around the house so that we could continue our lessons before we have to leave. Gloria and Joey headed over to the World Joy house to start where they left off, and Gloria surprising really was right where we left off. I had been inside for about five minutes before I was able to go outside and help with the lesson, when I came outside she was already riding by herself. I was amazed! We wanted her to be able to ride on a long stretch but there isn't really any flat areas to do this (there aren’t any church parking lots that are perfect for teaching how to ride a bike) so we use the road that we have. Although she could ride the bike by herself, Joey held onto the back of the seat because the brakes on the bikes don’t really work. If we had a bike that had good brakes she would be doing amazingly but she gets scared when she starts to think that she is going fast so she jumps off the bike. Hopefully we can find a bike that has reliable brakes so that she can become comfortable on the bike. She said that as soon as she learns how to ride a bike she is going to learn how to drive the Rhino.

Gloria trying to remember what she has already learned
Joey holding on due to the lack of brakes.
A little wobbly but still doing good.
No hands!! Gloria is so good!

Yesterday we were expecting Stephen Jr. to come up with his wife and children and Dave McConkie. While we were waiting we had many more visitors than expected. First, Dr Emmanuel Abu Kissi arrived, he is Stephen Abu’s brother who brought the church to Ghana. We were very excited to meet him but he ended up only being able to stay long enough to say hello to everyone. Along with him were his two sons and a girl from Germany, it is always weird to see an Obroni (white person) when you aren’t expecting to see one. Then came in two men that are financing a farm project in Ghana that Stephen is in charge of helping with (I didn’t really get all of the details but Stephen seems to be the main contact in Abomosu for a lot of people). One of these men was from Draper, Utah so we talked to him for awhile about what he was doing here. Then as we were outside trying to be out of the way of all the visitors and meetings that were being held inside, Daniel (head master) and Christie (Primary 1 teacher) from the Presby Primary School that Abbie and I taught at showed up. Last Sunday at church Daniel asked us to come to Presby on Monday so that they could get our measurements. We weren’t really sure what to expect but on Monday they presented us with fabric and told us that they were going to have a seamstress make Abbie and I dresses and a tailor make the boys shirts as a thank you for all that we have done. We were thrilled, and yesterday they arrived with the finished product! They are amazing.

Receiving the dress and shirt
The finished products: They turned out so good.
Christie, Joey, Emily, Abbie, Spencer and Daniel.

Then Stephen Jr. and his carload showed up. From his car came Stephen, his wife Sonya, their two children Rheea and Coby, Dave McConkie, and three other men from Idaho. After they arrived we began to eat lunch and during lunch the Terrys arrived and then Gifty (not sure how to spell all of these names, Gifty is Daniel’s, the head master, daughter) showed up with some letters that Daniel had promised to give us that were asking for donations of old computers for the school. We had told him that we were involved with some charity organizations and would be able to get the word out and see what we could do about getting the school computers. Using computers is part of the curriculum for the schools but none of them have access to computers so they have to find abstract ways to teach it or just bypass the curriculum.
Some of the visitors arriving. 

About as fast as everyone arrived they were gone just as quickly. The house was so lively and in an enjoyable state of chaos and then it was empty and very quiet. It was fun to meet so many new people and have new conversations. It is always fun when people come to visit the house because it is like a party, Margaret always has to feed everyone that comes so we are all over the living room trying to find places to eat. It felt like an extension of Stephen Sr.’s birthday party, especially because Sonya brought cake and ice cream. 
Rheea playing in the "sand" in front of the house. She is adorable!

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