Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Update of our Life

I wrote this post a long time ago but just didn't have any pictures to add to it yet.

It has been awhile since we have posted. A lot has happened since our last post. The semester ended, we had our first Christmas together, we journeyed to Mexico again, started a new semester and had to move.
Both of our families celebrate Christmas on different days than Christmas so that we aren't conflicting with the in-laws families and such, which makes it nice so that we don't have to compete for who's family we spend time with. Although at the same time we ended up not having any plans for Christmas. We ended up heading up to Bear Lake to spend Christmas with Chuck, Ginger, Zailey, and Zenick. It was a lot of fun watching the kiddos open their presents and to spend time with them. Because we are Newlyweds and the fact that we were going to Mexico, we decided to only have Stockings for each other and no big presents. We had fun trying to stuff each other's stockings without the other seeing. Joey being the "little boy" that he is, he had to pretend that he was going to peek into his stocking early.

The last three years Joey has been going to Tijuana, Mexico with Charity Anywhere Foundation to build houses and do service for the poor. I was able to go with him last year and we had an amazing time and are pretty much addicted to service in Mexico. This year Joey was in charge of the trip so we spent a lot of time working out the details and going through the drama of hoping my passport would come in time. It was a way fun trip. We will do another post with pictures and with all the details of our Mexico trip at a later date.

When we got home from Mexico, Kelly and Leah told us that they potentially sold the house so we would most likely be moving out before the end of the month. Well we waited to hear from the buyers but nothing until a week after we started school. We got the phone call on Thursday that we had to be out by the next Friday. Then on Friday they called and said they would like to do the final walk through on Wednesday. So we had less than a week to move out. Luckily it was Martin Luther King Day so we didn't have school Monday so we spent the weekend moving in my parent's basement.

It was nice to have a Christmas Break that we spent time with family and friends celebrating the birth of Christ.

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