It has been almost a year since I last posted a blog. I am really sad about it because that was when I should have been posting about Theo's first year. I will work on getting better but the summer always throws us for a loop and we don't have a bunch of time for things. It was getting ready for summer last year that got me out of the habit of blogging. I will attempt to do a year review update of the important things and then try to just keep up to date from now on. My family does a monthly family email so I will pull from those to update. (Sorry if the post switches between past and present tense, I tried to change it but didn't catch all of them)
APRIL 2012
In April we moved in to our new home. I got a new calling and switched primary classes. I now am an Activity Day (formally known as Achievement Days) Leader and I teach the 9,10 and 11 year old Primary Class.
With the nice weather we had a few get together's with neighbors, having BBQ's and Tin foil dinners. It has been fun making friends and feeling more comfortable living here.
April and May mean Deep Cleaning and Maintenance work. Bear Lake Cabin Rentals took over management of the Motor Lodge so we spent April getting the rooms ready to be rented.
Theo (5 Months) is doing really good. He keeps acting like he is getting teeth but there is no sign of them coming anytime soon. He is doing pretty good at sitting up but I still have to make sure I am close by or that he has pillows around him for when he reaches for a toy that is too far out of his reach. He is a big wiggler when he sleeps he is almost never in the same position when he wakes up that I put him down in.
First Bike Ride |
MAY 2012
May was pretty hectic for us here in Bear Lake we have been trying to get ready for the busy season. I did deep cleans and Joey was working on marketing and maintenance. Taking on the Motor Lodge created a lot more work for us. I finally felt caught up and then we get rentals on the motel rooms and I get behind again. It was definitely a new experience for all of us. We weren't used to one night stays. Our house almost always looks like a laundromat!
Theo helping with the Laundry |
Theo is great helper with the Laundry and making me stronger! |
The first week of May we were able to attend our friend's Temple Sealing it was such an amazing experience. I haven't been to a Sealing since ours so it was quite the experience. It is fun to see the new couple being new to the Temple and not being sure of what to do. They both had just received their endowment the night before so it was all very new to them. I wish I could go back in time and see how I acted at our Sealing.
For our anniversary Joey took me out on a canoe ride and then we had a pizza picnic at the City Park on the beach. It was a lot of fun. After that we went home and watched We Bought a Zoo. It was a great night especially to have time to relax after such a busy month.
All summer Theo would make this funny face or click his tongue. |
Theo was six months during May. He can sit up by himself and he tries to crawl. He can get up on his knees he just doesn't know what to do after that point it is super funny to watch. He ends up just doing the worm and moving backwards. He is a big talker now and likes to squawk.
June/July 2012
My life consists of cleaning motel rooms, condos, and washing/drying/folding sheets. Joey is either in the office taking phone calls and doing check ins and a bunch of other stuff (marketing, social media stuff, etc) or he is at the cabin properties doing maintenance work.
We have tried to have a little bit of fun some of the things that we have done is gone go-karting, took a boat out on Raspberry Days to see the fireworks (the only fireworks they did this summer due to the fire warnings), tried paddle boarding. We went to the demolition derby.
Theo trying the SUP Board. |
Rich County Demolition Derby |
We dressed up for the Demo Derby |
It has been a lot of fun having mom and dad come and help us. It has been interesting being their "boss." It is different having to tell your own parents what to do.
Theo has gone from rolling around everywhere, to sitting up on his own, to army crawling, to real crawling and standing up in his crib. I can't believe how much he has learned in the last few weeks. It was seriously like two weeks ago that he started army crawling all over and then he finally figured out the knees and is all over the place. We have a crib that can be raised so I don't have to bend over so much, well one night he was crying and yelling for his momma so I went in his room and he was standing up it scared me which probably scared him because I rushed in there and picked him up as fast as I could. We had to set up his pack n play for the next few nights until we finally had time to lower his crib down. I can't believe how big he is getting.
The first weekend in August is Raspberry Days so we went to the Raspberry Days Berry Princess Pageant where Zailey (Joey's niece) got 2nd attendant. We were all very proud of her for talking on stage which she has had a hard time doing in years past. We watched the parade. Enjoyed the fireworks (the only ones of the summer) on a boat in the water!
We also took a break and headed down to Salt Lake for the REAL Salt Lake Soccer game. It was a great game, they scored 2 goals and won! We had a lot of fun being there. One of the players names is Kwame so we cheered for him and everyone around us just looked at us like we were weirdos! :)
REAL Salt Lake Game. |
Joey's Grandpa had his 100th Birthday party during the summer. He claims that he has lived that long because of fishing and Mtn Dew so Theo thought he would give it a try. |
Dress-up Photo Booth at Grandpa's 100th. |
We hope to get some SUP Boarding in this month and spending some time at the beach.
Updates on Theo: This kid is insane he is learning so fast. Just over the past couple of weeks he has gone from army crawling to knee crawling, he has learned to climb stairs and sometimes he gets really excited and starts rocking while he is still climbing and gets very close to falling which scares me. He is starting to stand up whenever he can find something to pull himself up with. He loves to go in the bathroom and pull himself up on the tub which also scares us. Today Joey kept telling Theo "no" because he kept going into the bathroom and then later on Theo was sitting there jabbering and we look over at him and he is shaking his head and kept saying "no no no" it was so cute.
SEPT 2012
We went to the Brigham City Temple Open House. It is beautiful I love the paintings in the Creation Room. I think that is one of my favorite parts of most of the open houses I have been to, I remember the Twin Falls one was amazing.
We have stayed busy with the motel, Mom and Dad came up early September to help with deep cleans. We were ready for a break and we were excited for Labor Day weekend to be over because that is when things usually slow down but that wasn't the case with the motel. It has stayed busy with construction workers, different races going on, and now hunters. I guess it is good to still have a job and be making money though so I shouldn't be complaining.
Last month Joey and I realized that we have a lot of older friends (like mom and dad's age or older) In one week we have two dinners with older couples. It is fun to talk to them and receive advice about life.
We went to Logan for USU's Homecoming, Joey had a reunion for his Huntsman Scholar Program. It was fun to show off Theo and find out what everyone was up to. Then Joey was able to go to the football game, he was gotten into Football again this season so he was excited to be able to go.
Theo at a USU Football game with Daddy |
Cheering for the Aggies |
Theo is getting so big. He is standing up with the help of things, his favorite place is to stand up by the tub and then he tries to climb in. It is hilarious but scares me as well. Just the other day he learned how to climb all of our stairs. (We have two steps and then a landing and then four more steps. He used to only be able to climb up to the landing and then wasn't talented enough to make it up the other stairs without falling but the other day Joey and I were brushing our teeth and we turn around and he was crawling towards us as if crawling the stairs was the easiest thing he had done! It was super cute!) He also got his first two teeth on his 10 month mark and is working on three of his top teeth.
Trying to climb in the Tub |